Thursday, August 26, 2010

Welcome to the Information Superhighway

The summer is almost over, so I think it's time for a summary on the things happened to me.

Sadly/Fortunately I didn't have the chance to go on a proper holiday or anything, so I spent the majority of my time in my hometown with my friends. To be completely honest I wasn't planning on anything of a big holiday, I was perfectly content with staying put because I had many good times with all my friends throughout the summer.

Especially Microwave Jellyfish. I spent most time with him this summer drinking, working out, philosophizing about some deep stuff, listening to Tool, Offsprint, Nine Inch Nails and of course, watching really shitty movies. What I'm trying to say is thanks, man. I don't know what would I do without you, you're a real good, true and cherished friend. Real shame that you have to go to university... oh well, we still have the opportunities to get piss drunk on weekends.

Other than that, I had plenty of time deciding what to do with my future. I'm turning 22 this year so I think it was about time I decided. I'm going to be a policeman in two years. Yeah, me of all people with my rebellious nature and constant questioning of authority. But now, other people gonna respect my authoretaaay (thumbs up if you get the reference). Seriously though, it has decent benefits. Pretty decent payment, retirement after only 20 years, and nobody can tell me shit expect my superiors. Seeing how I can't afford going to university and I can't possibly expect my parents to support my sorry ass for another five or more years, it's the best thing I can do right now. When I'm completely on my own, I can go do other stuff in my free time, like giving English lessons or something.

You know the feeling when you're looking back and say "man, summer was sure as hell short"? No such thing here, the summer was long and sweet for me and I'm actually longing for school days and for the fall and winter. I want to finally graduate and move on to other things. I couldn't get a job this summer so I actually want to do something productive already rather than doing nothing all day. It was good and all but I'm getting bored with myself.

I wanted to write more, but I kinda lost interest and this post is already starting to get longer than my previous ones. Not much of an information superhighway but I gotta keep up the consistency, you know?

Thanks to all my friends for this summer, to the whole Crew, the Meat A.K.A. Microwave Jellyfish, Sirok, Fatima, Yassy, to my cousin Peto, to the ones who are too far away like Kai, Mitsu, Ren and Serena. I know I didn't mentioned many of you, but if I were to write the names of all of you people, I'd sit here until tomorrow, but thanks to you unmentioned folks too. You guys rock, I love every single one of you and I'm glad I have friends like you.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Elevator Music

Guess it's bloggin' time, seeing how I can't really do anything today. This is going to be a disjointed and short post I can tell you now. Mostly because I don't have anything valuable to say, but I feel obligated to post something anyway.

It's the 20th of August, a major national high day in my country. You probably know what it's about if you're from the same country, and chances are, you don't give a shit if you're from any other one. Hell, you probably don't give a shit even if you're too from my country. I can see the pretentious patriots' heads swelling up right now gasping for air to protest how they do and what am I thinking and blah blah blah. It's fine, don't lie, you don't have to. I know you don't care. It's all about the booze, the girls/boys and the fireworks and I wouldn't have it any other way.

All my friends went to university camp to drink until they become unconscious and have unprotected, premarital sex. Good riddance, I hope they do all sorts of really "nasty" stuff. My cousin and I had some major drinking plans for today too, because we don't hang out as much as we used to. But here's the reason I mentioned this national high day; NOTHING is open. No bar, pub, shop, supermarket, nothing. So our plans are completely foiled, so we put off our plans 'till tomorrow.

So what am I going to do? Play Borderlands and annoy the few people up on MSN who share the same fate as I do today.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Don't pick it up

So just yesterday I watched one of Uwe Boll's most recent "movie" titles called Rampage. Fortunately, I had the company of Microwave Jellyfish so I didn't have watch this travesty of a movie alone, a fact from which my sanity benefited greatly. Now don't think I'm a rabid Boll hater, because I'm not. His movies often fall in the category of "so bad it's good" and I like that, I like crappy movies that can entertain me with their crappyness. I only wish he would leave alone my beloved game franchises.

The movie is about a kid in his early twenties (played by a 29 year old actor) who gets fed up with the world and it's deep running problems, so he builds a full body kevlar armor suit, gets a few automatic guns and a few hundred pounds of explosives. Don't ask how he manages to get his hands on military grade stuff like this because it's never explained, just roll with it, it will be easier that way. So one day he completely snaps because his parents want him to move out because he's a good for nothing dipshit and... because the coffee is like shit in the local Starbucks apparently. He tells his asshole dad and one hell of a MILF mom (who looks younger than him even though she's played by a 45 year old actress) that he'll stay home filling some school papers, but it's a lie of course. After that it's just one boring and repetitive shootout scene after the other. Oh, and he robs a bank and burns the money, but not really because he keeps the majority of it and frames his friend to... oh dear lord, do you really care about this shit? I sure don't.

All in all the movie is not so surprisingly pure crap. I don't know why or how it's holding a 6.4 average on IMDB with over two thousand ratings, but I bet everyone was on crack while voting. The movie does have some redeeming qualities, like the scene where he eats a sandwich in full gear, in the middle of a big bingo game and nobody even pays attention to him. Or the scene where... wait, that's about it. I also felt really really sick during this movie because every scene seems to have terrible shaky camera control, as if the camera-man was caught in the middle of a mosh-pit and never got out.

Sadly, this is not a Boll movie that's entertaining because it's bad. It's almost unwatchable, due to the camera, the inhumanly boring action scenes and the crap story. It could've made a decent half hour short movie, but sadly this isn't the case.

The ending theme was nice, though.

Friday, August 13, 2010

A modern myth

It's Friday the 13th.

I can only hope a large musclebound psycho with a hockey mask doesn't murder me in the most gruesome way. Come to think of it, the Friday the 13th movies were pretty horrible even for their time. Does that mean I hate them? Of course not, I freaking love all of them. They have a stupid charm that can only be outmatched by the Nightmare on Elm Street series. I never was a big Halloween fan so I just leave that out. I know it's the big horror/slasher triumvirate for many people, but Halloween just never cut it for me.

But I'm not here to talk about the movies right now, I'm here to talk a little about the whole Friday the 13th myth. Being an atheist and skeptic myself, I can say right now that it's a bunch of baseless silliness. Well not exactly baseless, but the things giving it a base are pretty stupid too. You can all check out the origins of this myth on this WIKIPEDIA page. I could make some long winded, solid argument against the whole thing, but hey... if you're a rational and well educated person, you can probably tell that it's all make-belief. But that's just how we people are... we tend to believe any far fetched stupid stuff if enough people believe in it.

What I'm trying to say is this; don't believe this superstitious nonsense, it's just another day in the calendar, only difference is that it's over-mystified by the masses. You have nothing to fear, you can go outside the house, you have the same chance to have something terrible happen to you just like on any other day. Hmm... that didn't came out right now did it?

Now if you excuse me, I have to check the door. My neighbor gave me a phone call that a nice looking young man with a hockey mask is standing there since hours. He must be lost and looking for directions, god forbid maybe he's hurt from that hockey match he probably attended.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Solitude by the Window

As rays of sunlight seep through the small holes of my shutters I turn on my back on the bed and take a deep breath. The fan near me gives a constant, but tolerable buzzing sound and a relieving breeze from the sultry hotness. The papers on my desk weave in the air as if they try to tell me to move... to tear myself away from this perpetual limbo I'm in right now. But I'm enjoying it. It's the strange, a bit unsettling but at the same time really serene feeling, sort of an emotional paradox. I feel like I should do something... but I won't, no sense of urgency, nothing to do. I don't really want to change anything right now; even the slightest change would ruin this idyllic picture. What a serene and happy feeling... gives you the opportunity to rest, relax and think.

You know it's sad how most people can't just sit back or lay down on the coast on top of a small dock. Just listening to the sound of the world surrounding you, watching the water ripple. I wonder why most people can't do that anymore. It may sound like a terribly over-used cliché, but be honest, friend; when was the last time you did something like this? Think about it, don't just pretend, but do it for real. Always in need of some input, letting no respite for your own self, constantly feeding your brain with useless data, forcing it to multi-task all the time. Thinking is not boring for it is the sole ability that separates us from the rest of the lifeforms on this planet.

The next time you have free time on your hands, when you can do whatever you want think about all this. Don't play videogames, don't watch a movie, don't even turn on your computer, console or TV. Go out or if it's raining sit near the window and just listen. Listen and think, try to truly relax, let go of yourself. Take some time to give yourself a much needed respite.

You will be happier.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Blast Off to Nowhere

I put a dollar in a change machine. Nothing changed.

If I were to ask you the question; what's your favorite thing about the Internet, what would you reply? I prefer the same things here that I do in real life too. Sex, weird shit, entertainment, information and the fact that I am part of it.

There are almost two billion Internet users worldwide. In the ever expanding realm of the cyberspace that's a rather small number if you think about it, but more than enough to give me the chance to catch the interest of a few of them. The Internet is the strangest phenomenon of the modern world. It inspires all two billion people to come up with stuff ranging from incredibly intellectual to unthinkably stupid, the spectrum is all over the place. That's why I love this seemingly infinite stream of flowing data and that's why I decided to create my own Internet journal, written in the language second most commonly used around the world; English. First being Chinese but I don't have 15 years to learn it and I don't think my demography would be the same I aim for right now.

So what can you expect from this blog? I like to think that I'm a man of extremes. One day, I'm a genius, capable of deep and intellectual thinking and the next day, I'm a drooling idiot who can't form a cohesive sentence. I'll try to give my unique perspective on everyday stuff like music, games, religion, politics, celebrities, art, maybe a little poetry and all that good jazz, with a twist of my own life's happenings sprinkled with not so everyday topics, but let hang in the future for now.

Oh... who am I? Does it matter? Do you really care? What do you care more about? Me or what I have to say? Maybe neither, but you wouldn't made it this far if that's the case. But here's a quick presentation of me, as a person, not just a computer screen.

I am Eon Blue. I am here to enlighten and entertain you... and I am part of your life from now on for as long as you desire.