Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Chop Poker - Chapter I

Chop Poker

As I stepped through the door of the faintly lit room, like a shadow on the wall
A surge of bad feelings stroke me like I don't belong here at all
Although the feeling crept up my spine as if it tried to warn me of the events to come
I ignored it as much as I could and walked across the hall
„Good evening, Eon my friend” - greeted me my good pal, The Meat
I shook his hand and took a seat at the table, where cards and chips laid casually

Unfamiliar people, broken minds behind broken faces
Faust rose up from his chair, the others watching silently from their places
That's when I grew more anxious but I kept my cool 'cause my ambition
I tried to look as calm as a man could in my position
„You all know why we are here -he finally said after agonizing minutes
This is the place for the card game where you all can win it”
By win it he of course meant the case just out of hands reach
Oddly enough unprotected by any physical means
Oddly I say for the sum of the cash in the stash is no less
Than four million bucks so everyone is determined - Who'd guess?
Of course we knew every prize comes with a price to pay
Nothing is for free in this world as they say

Near empty bottles of whiskey slowly roll down from the poker table
As the air gets heavy with the last breath of the players, ending their fable
The case is gone, nowhere to be seen
Bloody footsteps tell that someone already left the scene

Back in the past shuffling the deck, with sweat on their brows, hoping the best
The gentlemen try their best to jest, but their traitorous eyes sell their pretense
As they pour out the first glass of whiskey
The so called host stood up once more
Reminding the players that the mood's not so frisky
He started to speak as he pointed at the door

„Anyone who changes their mind, you can take that path any time
But know this you'll go empty handed for you shall not get a dime

The rules are thus, for anyone who's new
Whoever wins gets to hit those who lose
Now don't shy away from using full force
These people are your enemies so don't feel remorse
The game will have new surprises as an hour goes by
But I'll announce those when the time gets right
All I can say for now without spoiling all the fun:
I expect some of you to tremble in fear and run”

The game begins.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Another part of me

Why do people blog?

I don't really know. I only have assumptions and the approximate reasons why I blog. I say approximate because I'm not fully aware of my own reasons to do this stuff, in fact I think most of us aren't aware of the reasons for most things we do. Remember when you were a little kid and you did something supposedly wrong, so your parents asked; Why did you do it? You couldn't answer. Now there were times where you could but didn't wanted... but most of the times you really didn't know. There are certain things we just do... maybe out of instinct, maybe habit... maybe we feel obligated to express our opinions, feelings and whatnot to other people, possibly to many we don't even know.

So why do I blog? Maybe I feel I'm not heard out enough in real life, I kinda feel like people often don't care even when I have some important shit to say. People are stupid, they don't listen. I try to hear out and listen to them, consider their opinions and give them appropriate feedback. Why can't they do the same with me? Am I really that boring? I like to think not. All they care about is expressing their stupid opinion and they expect me to nod like I'm their pet monkey. God forbid my opinion differs from theirs... they usually try to change my mind on the spot. They don't get it that I have my well considered opinions just as much as they do. Exchanging opinions stooped down to a level where we try to change other people so they'll bend to our favor. I think a conversation shouldn't be about bending people to our favor, it's about hearing them out even if it's something outrageously stupid, then replying in a civil manner if possible. We can learn, gain from conversations, maybe even profit from them in one way to another. But no, most people feel like their opinions are the most important and most valid so they don't even care what other people have to stay. That's why they will remain stupid for the rest of their lives.

I also like to blog to challenge people. Not change them, just challenge their mind. I like to make them think on a deeper level than they do in their everyday lives. I like to paint on their mental canvas situations, emotions, thoughts, ideas and challenge their mind so they have to make themselves think harder and in a more complex way they usually do. To consider ideas they never faced before, to give them something fresh, a new input if you will that can stimulate their brain. People need to realize that there is more beneath the surface, there is a deeper line of thought. I don't say you always have to be a sententious asshole, because that's pure pretentious bullshit right there. I just say that sometimes when you have nothing better to do, or when you just feel like it, you can immerse in your thoughts or rather, immerse in other people's. Maybe it's only a foolish illusion from my part, maybe I can't challenge anyone. But I still try and if I manage to succeed then I accomplished something and it's for the better of both of us.

Of course I feel the natural need to let my voice be heard. It's a very human desire, we feel a little better about ourselves if we can express our views to a wider range audience and even if our readers only consist of people who we already know. You can't explain the same thing to everyone in the same way multiple times and you can't expect them not to derail the conversation. In fact, if you're talking to someone it's a good thing if you derail each other every now and then, it opens other doors to the conversation. But this is the beauty of writing a blog. You can express yourself without interruption, without sidetracking because of outside input. Often you write only for yourself, but somehow you feel better if you do. Also, it's a waste if you don't put your ideas out there. It's besides the point that who actually cares. Your ideas and opinions are always worthy to manifest in written form.True power lies in ideas. There are few better ways to express ideas than to write them down to the world. Especially if you don't have the opportunity to put your ideas into practice just yet.

I hope I encouraged some of you to start or continue to write your blogs. If not, at least I hope you'll continue to read this blog and others you deem worthwhile as well, in hopes that your mind gets challenged and it'll encourage you to think out of the box every now and then.

PS - Sorry folks, no music today. I'll make up for it next time.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The power of one

Damn. Can't sleep. Insomnia, my friend nice to see you again.

This is what happens if you get sleep on an irregular basis for months. We all experienced this at some point. One day, you sleep a good healthy 8+ hours, the next day you only manage to get 2 and the third day you sleep 12+ hours because you're exhausted as shit. It's only downhill from there, I can tell you that. This doesn't bode well for me, because school starts on Monday and I can't seem to force myself to do normal sleep-wake cycles. At the time I started writing this, it was half past four in the god damn morning and I just woke up after barely three hours of sleep. Yeah, I take my sweet time to write these posts, no need to rush. But anyway, waking up too early is bothersome even though I'm not that tired or anything, I actually feel well rested but by the time of noon I'll be in zombie mode.

So anyway, these times are good to do some thinking, because you're basically torn out from your normal life cycle. May sound stupid, but I feel like I'm in an alternate dimension where I can be alone... thinking. At times like these, I like to listen to chilled out, laid back stuff. Lyrics are not important, just the feel of the music. Keeps me relaxed, lifts up the tension, creates the mood for thinking.

I like to think out of the box every now and then. René Descartes, the French philosopher said "Cogito ergo sum" which basically means "I think therefore I am". What it means is that one cannot be sure of anything else but the existence of self. Not the surrounding world, only the existence of one's own self. Of course Descartes thought a bit differently about the subject in the 17th century than we do in these modern times, but I think it's fairly accurate to assume that with time, not only people but ideas tend to change quite a bit.

If this is all true, then we can easily apply this to every individual in the world. Every individual thinks, therefore they exist. If everyone in reality would be the figment of imagination of one's self, then they wouldn't have the same basic human properties as one's self does. Or maybe they would because arguably, we have the subconscious need to apply our basic human properties to others. I see what I did there, I just disproved my own hypothesis. It was nice arguing with myself, because I can always agree with me.

In the end I think that's one of the most intriguing beauties of life. To be able to think. If you're uncertain in everything, you can always be 100% sure about one thing. You think, therefore you exists. Even if you're just a figment of my imagination. If that's the case I subconsciously gave you the same basic human properties that I too posses, therefore you really exist because I made you exist. This works vica-versa, maybe I am a materialized figment of your imagination that became part of reality. But isn't it awfully peculiar that we share so much in common, even if we never met? Maybe somewhere a great mind which doesn't exist anymore started it all and it developed into a self sustaining system. Reality as we know it became, because "Cogito ergo sum". The mind is a powerful tool indeed.


I got distracted since I started writing this, so it's half past six in the morning. Guess what? I'm tired again. I wanted to elaborate more, but my mental capacity is inadequate for me to do so. I may finish this on a later occasion (probably not), but I need to get some sleep now, at least a few hours worth.

Hope you enjoyed my pointless philosophizing, I sure did.