Monday, January 24, 2011

Free love

"This is so real... finally it's my lucky day. See my heart is racing, 'cause this shit never happens to me."

What I mean by this is that it never happened that I posted something and I got a somewhat stable visitor count weeks after it. I posted my Donnie Darko "review" on the 7th of January and it's the 23th now and I still get 5-12 visitors every day. I get like 20-25 or more visitors after I post something, but this never happened. Not to say I don't appreciate it, in fact I'm really happy that so many people are interested in a small personal blog like this, it's just weird. I must be doing something right.

What I'm desperately trying to barf up here is that I'd like to thank everyone who reads my blog, it means a lot.

I guess I should write about something relevant for a change.

I opened a DeviantART page not so long ago to post my shitty art there. I'm not an artist by any stretch of the imagination, but I enjoy fooling around with my doodles and with Photoshop. I also like to snap a picture with my camera every now and then. I can't really draw and I don't expect any praise at all because I know I suck. But hey, if I do take my time to sit down and draw something, I might as well share it with the world. Don't expect me to update it that often, I'll throw in something every week or two weeks or so. Can't let myself burn out, right?

You can get to my DeviantART profile from THIS LINK RIGHT HERE... YES RIGHT HERE.

I don't really have anything else to post for now, IRL stuff is taking up pretty much all my time. School starts to get rough in the last half year too, so I have to divide my attention and my irregular and completely messed up sleeping habits don't help much either.

So in lack of own content, here are some good web-comics I read. Enjoy, I guess.

Looking for Group, Ctrl+Alt+Del, PowerPuff Girls Doujinshi, Grim Tales.

Don't be turned off by the PowerPuff girls one, it's actually pretty good. If you're a kid from the 90s and watched unholy amounts of Cartoon Network, you'll love it. Virtually every characters from the 90s Cartoon Network makes an appearance and the story is actually pretty good.

As for the rest, decide for yourself.

Thanks again for all the visitors who take the time to read my blog.

Oh, and here's some Pirate Metal.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Cellar Door

I've seen a lot of smart movies. The Shining, Inception, Moon, Fight Club, etc. I'd like to think that I know my movies, I try to fully understand them and I make effort to research even minor details. The most recent one is of course Inception, everyone knows about that one, and I absolutely love it. But there's this sort of underground movie with a semi-large cult following and it blows Inception out of the water for me. Of course I don't want to make a comparison because you can't really, it's two completely different movies. So let's cut to the chase.

I never seen a more intelligent, surprising, unpredictable and deep movie such as Donnie Darko.

I'm fully aware that I'm quite late for the party, ten years late to be precise, but what can I say. I had the opportunity many times to see this movie, I just couldn't bring myself to do so. Partially because I wasn't really interested, partially because some opinions kept me away from it. Opinions like it's nothing but shallow melodrama, an emo wetdream and a mess plotwise. Man... I was an idiot for listening to those other, even bigger idiots. But to be honest, I'm glad I didn't see it back when it came out, because I was too young to comprehend the plot, let alone the sheer complexity of it. Now that I'm in my early twenties I can safely say that I get it. Even though I had to spend a few hours thinking about it and re-watching a few scenes.

It's quite hard to describe what it's about without spoiling it and frankly (see what I did there?) I wouldn't really know where to begin without being absolutely blunt. It's the kind of movie you have to see with your own eyes, preferably without any prior knowledge regarding anything in it. It's an experience, a journey if you will into a plot so deep that you have to pay attention to every minor detail. You won't really get it until the last ten minutes or so when everything unfolds.

Returning to the first half of the post, allow me me explain a little why I like it better than Inception. You see if you thought Inception needed more explaining, you sure never seen Donnie Darko. After watching it, I seriously thought that everything was blatantly spoon-fed to me in Inception. In Donnie, nothing is explicitly explained, only vaguely hinted at, everything is really subtle at least in the theatrical cut. Said version has it's downsides however, because it feels like it's a little too subtle and it doesn't explain some fundamental elements of the plot. Because of this it's easy to get confused and you won't really understand it. If you're planning to see it, I strongly recommend the director's cut version for various reasons. While it keeps it's subtle tone, it explains way more about what's going on, but it still manages to make you guess until the very end. If you pay close attention, and take your time to read what's needed to be read (you'll see), everything will come to full circle. So the director's cut version is highly superior to the theatrical release, because you'll actually understand it at the very end, provided you pay attention.

I wish I'd seen this movie a few months ago, because I could've declared it my best movie experience of 2010. But kicking off the year with something of this calibre is not too shabby either. I strongly recommend this movie to everyone who likes complex storytelling, subtle but great acting and deep plots.